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Gucci Sneaker Resole & Insole Replacement

Gucci Sneaker Resole & Insole Replacement

These soles on these Gucci Tennis 1977 sneakers had been heavily worn, right through to the insoles. We resoled the shoes and replace the insoles.

Gucci Sneaker Sole Replacement

Gucci Sneaker Sole Replacement

These Gucci Velcro Strap sneakers were well-loved, with the soles cracking and broken due to wear and tear. We re-crafted the shoes with an entirely new pair of custom-made soles.

Veja Sneaker Resole & Restoration

Veja Sneaker Resole & Restoration

The soles on these Veja V-10 shoes were heavily worn, and the leather uppers were looking dirty and discoloured. We resoled the shoes and cleaned, conditioned and recoloured the leather.

Gucci Sneaker Cleaning & Colour Restoration

Gucci Sneaker Cleaning & Colour Restoration

These Gucci Rhyton logo leather sneakers had become dirty and scuffed through everyday wear. We cleaned, conditioned and recoloured / refinished the leather to get the sneakers looking and feeling fresher.

Jordan Sneaker Resole & Colour Restoration

Jordan Sneaker Resole & Colour Restoration

These 1991 Jordan 1s were in good shape for their age, but the soles were worn, and the leather uppers were dirty and discoloured. We performed a resole and colour restoration to get the sneakers looking fresh.

ECCO Sneaker Sole Replacement

ECCO Sneaker Sole Replacement

The soles on these Ecco Soft 7 GTZ Tie sneakers were heavily worn, with a large split across the ball of one foot. We replaced the soles with entirely new ones custom made from scratch to fit the shoes.

Bottega Veneta Sneaker Resole

Bottega Veneta Sneaker Resole

The cup soles on these Bottega Veneta high top sneakers had begun disintegrating, with entire pieces coming apart. We performed a full resole, replacing the damaged soles with a pair of entirely new ones.

Golden Goose Sneaker Resole

Golden Goose Sneaker Resole

These Golden Goose Super-star sneakers were in good shape, but the soles had become worn out and thin from everyday wear, particularly around the backs of the heels. We repaired the existing soles and installed new, durable rubber soles over the top

Nike Sneaker Cleaning

Nike Sneaker Cleaning

These Nike Mid Blazer sneakers were in bad shape after a run in with a considerable amount of mud and dirt. We cleaned the leather uppers and the sidewalls of the rubber soles.