The leather soles on these Louboutin shoes were worn, and the leather around the toes of one shoes was heavily gouged. We repaired and protected the leather soles and installed a pair of leather toe caps to conceal the damage.
Showcasing our shoe and handbag repairs with before and after photos
The leather soles on these Louboutin shoes were worn, and the leather around the toes of one shoes was heavily gouged. We repaired and protected the leather soles and installed a pair of leather toe caps to conceal the damage.
These soles on these Gucci Tennis 1977 sneakers had been heavily worn, right through to the insoles. We resoled the shoes and replace the insoles.
The zipper on this MCM All-Over backpack was broken and needed replacement. We replaced the damaged zipper with a brand new one to which we attached the original pulls.
The twist lock on this Chanel bag was broken, leaving the bag unable to be closed and at risk of opening up during wear. We repaired the twist lock by re-attaching the loose part.
These Rene Caovilla Cleo shoes were brand new, but the signature glitter leather soles were unprotected and prone to accelerated wear. We installed sole protectors to both enhance traction and keep the soles looking fresh for longer.
These Dan Post Milwaukee boots were in great shape, but the soles and heels were in need of replacement. We performed a full resole, replacing the heel caps and soles along the entire length of each boot.
The rose gold leather around these Jimmy Choo Lancer heels was extensively scuffed and discoloured, and the leather soles were visibly worn. We recoloured / refinished the leather around the shoes and also installed a pair of thin rubber sole protectors.
The leather soles on these Herring Chelsea boots were visibly worn after only one wear. To enhance both longevity and traction, we installed flush metal toe plates alongside rubber sole protectors.
The zipper on this Longchamp bag was broken and torn, leaving the main compartment un-sealable. We replaced the zipper with an entirely new one.
These RM Williams Craftsman boots were well-worn, with the original leather soles and heels and also the elastic gussets showing significant wear. We performed a full resole, installing new RM Williams rubber heel caps and full-length leather soles, and also replaced the elastics.